REV3 = Revitalize, Energize, Visualize

By Evangelism, Discipleship, and Shepherding


Shepherding Assistance

photo by Frank Meriño

The birth of this program was induced by the need of either improving or implementing Shepherding in every congregation. Many church leaders have not been trained and find it overwhelming to introduce or make improvements in this vital area of leadership. In Ephesians 4:11, Shepherding is merely one of the five dispensations of the leadership gifts needed to build up a healthy congregation. Without a good shepherding protocol, the other four gifts (apostle, prophet, evangelist, and teacher) will be operating at a deficient level.

The nomenclature of Shepherd is synonymous to the term pastor, elder, overseer, and bishop in the Bible. Although these names are applied to many job descriptions in the Church today, their observed functions may differ greatly. We could use these terms interchangeably here, but the metaphorical depiction is best seen in the term Shepherd; although in North America, we have little opportunity to see the duties allocated to this service in the current farming culture or the church.

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This program will offer assistance that will be live, local, and limited. The assistant will live in the area for a minimum of three months and a maximum of one year (the length of time will be determined by the local leader based on needs of the congregation or availability of funding). The assistance will be active in nature as the assistant will become part of the congregation short-term to best understand the culture and climate of the congregation. This person will have no intent of becoming the long-term Shepherd of the congregation they are trying to assist.

This program is immediately available upon request if a suitable residence is available for the assistant and his immediate family with whom he will choose to live.

The assistant will receive a stipend plus expenses per month (sponsorship funds may be available upon request). No church will be rejected on the basis of lack of finances.

The applicant should be the local leader of the congregation.

The first month will be mainly spent on getting to know the leader and the congregation. The personality of the congregation is a culmination of the personalities and gifts of the individual members. This acquainting will be done with learning the culture and understanding the outreach assets of the congregation and the building where it meets regularly. A full assessment of the assets of the church both living and inanimate will be determined.

photo by cottonbro studio

The second month will continue deepening the understanding while making suggestions for improving functions and operations of the congregation from a practical and personal level.

In the third month, some lessons learned will materialize and will begin to establish a growing path forward for the entire membership. A more comprehensive knowledge will help facilitate the formulation of a vision for not only sustaining the present congregation but expanding the Kingdom of God where this church has been planted. Upon the assistant’s departure, weekly digital meetings will be established for future encouragement and consultation through needs-based assessments, as well as periodic visits as deemed necessary.

To apply, click here. A brief questionnaire will also be required to be completed by the local leader.