What does God do with a man-made church? Only God knows how many churches have split, closed, or even opened for selfish reasons. It is sad to watch churches ofContinue readingWhy did that church close its doors?
This is a compilation of verses that I believe support God as a Shepherd to His people. Genesis 48:15“Then he blessed Joseph and said, “May the God before whom myContinue readingThe True Shepherd
“We have a jewel – a precious jewel, indeed. It is the doctrine of true conversion, regeneration, and atonement through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Greater love God couldContinue readingPoor Shepherding
Model Dependence on God Micah 5:4“He will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God. AndContinue readingResponsibilities of a Shepherd
This is a shepherd of a church, not physical sheep, but metaphorical sheep as mentioned in the Bible. 1 Timothy 3:2-7Therefore an overseer must be:> above reproach> the husband ofContinue readingQualifications of a Shepherd
“Not sheep ranchers: …a word to our elders and ministers. How often would your labors be easier, more blessed and joyful, if they were directed more to lead the flockContinue readingA Shepherd of the Church
PART 2: Three Elements of the Church In our attempts to deal with the pollution issue and shrink the mountain of waste, our society divides the garbage into several smallerContinue readingToo Busy to Separate Piles
Is there a church in existence that does not desire numeric growth? How closely connected are numeric and spiritual growth? Moreover, Paul addressed the congregation as “worldly” and not spiritualContinue readingGod’s Grade
The “Organic Church” (pronoun she/her; Ephesians 5:23, Revelation 19:7) can be local, national, and international. In all cases, she is made up of many parts and functions or dysfunctions likeContinue readingMost Frayed Strand