REV3 has really challenged and encouraged us to focus on and develop the key essentials of ministry through prayer, study of the Word, and simple obedience to it. Through this process, we have really grown in our understanding of what God expects of us as His disciples and as leaders in His church.”
~ Mark & Connie V., Church Outreach
We at the Apostolic Christian Church of Brunswick Hills are going through the REV3 initiative and find it to be very beneficial! It encourages us as individuals and as a congregation to be more intentional about obeying the Lord Jesus Christ’s Great Commission to share the gospel and make disciples in the natural pathway of our lives. It also helped our church identify the gifts that each member has which will help us organize a more effective structure to our ministries for the future. I highly recommend the REV3 initiative! ~ Mike P., Brunswick Hills
I have personally seen the effectiveness of the REV3 initiative in providing the accountability, encouragement, and tools that I need to start making evangelism, discipleship, and shepherding a more central part of my life so that I can both model and guide gospel-centered mission within my local congregation. I still have a long way to go, but I am so thankful that God has provided someone who can come alongside me with years of experience and biblical wisdom to help me in these areas. I wish every minister and elder within the ACC would take part in this initiative!
~ Judah W., Wooster
The REV3 approach to church leadership and discipleship offers a clarifying focus for our mission as Apostolic Christian Churches. Oftentimes, church leadership can spend a lot of time and energy in their churches just trying to keep things afloat, without an eye towards growth from within the fellowship and out into the world. REV3 helps leaders think about a more systematic and sustainable approach that will encourage and exhort the church to grow, both in maturity and in its ability to proclaim the gospel.
~ John S. III, Portland