REV3 = Revitalize, Energize, Visualize

By Evangelism, Discipleship, and Shepherding

Reflections on Recycling in the Automotive Field

Everyone wants something or to be a part of something that is newer, better, and bigger.

How has this mentality affected the church?

Does this thinking cause a church to replace parts of their body with other less organic parts (para-church organizations)?

How has the desire to repair an old car rather than buy a new one found its way into the church?

How has the desire to be served rather than serving affected the church?

What causes me to buy a new car rather than replace a part?

Is there a church member you thought of who poses a threat to the health of your congregation due to their sin?

When will you approach them in love?

Write out the Scriptures you would use to teach them about God’s view on their sinful behavior. God loves us all, and we are all prone to wander as long as we are human. Maybe you could use this space to write out a prayer for the congregant you are thinking of.

As you reflect on whether you judge individuals by their car, their home, their occupation, their clothes, their hair, their face, their weight, etc., please keep in mind the verse below.

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” 
~ 1 Samuel 16:7

If you have sorted your church family into piles, list the names of the piles in this space.

Author: Wilf Scheuermann, excerpt from the transcript, God’s Grade ©2015; Photo by