REV3 = Revitalize, Energize, Visualize

By Evangelism, Discipleship, and Shepherding

Most Frayed Strand

The “Organic Church” (pronoun she/her; Ephesians 5:23, Revelation 19:7) can be local, national, and international. In all cases, she is made up of many parts and functions or dysfunctions like any other organism. The older she becomes and the more complex she gets, the more supernatural it seems that she still lives on. The complexity does not necessitate her to be complicated to operate.

We need to understand the function of her three basic elements and the indispensable nature of their 100% cooperation. Evangelism, discipleship, and pastoring (shepherding) must be in sync, equitable in their performance, and progressing to their full function in which they were designed so that the church will perform with the lowest possible emissions. If one element is misfiring, they will all drop in their performance to that level; and therefore, the function of the whole will also be lax. The valuation we give any church cannot be meted out accurately by the best performing area, but the lowest of the three. The strength of any three strand rope, whether of man-made composition or an organic hemp rope, can only be depended on by the ability of its most frayed strand.

Author: Wilf Scheuermann, excerpt from the transcript, God’s Grade ©2015; Photo by Caner Demiroğlu:

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